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Lin Qu ​曲美霖

Musical Actress/Choreographer/Director 音乐剧演员/编舞/导演

曲美霖,音乐剧演员/编舞/导演。毕业于北京舞蹈学院,进修于纽约Broadway Dance Center 和 Steps On Broadway,多次与中国及百老汇一线音乐剧导演及编舞合作。代表作品《爱上邓丽君》、《王牌游戏》、《月亮姐姐和嘟噜嘀嘟农场》、《雾都孤儿》等。移民洛杉矶后,协助踢踏舞大师Steve Zee完成其Tap Dacne Academy中文课程的制作。作为【中美华人戏剧联盟】的联合创始人,曲美霖在2016-2019期间导演、策划和参演了包括《情感调解室》、《疯狂话剧团》、《离婚了就别再来找我》、《妈妈的衣柜》、《成语魔方》、《隐婚男女》在内的四部话剧和两部儿童剧,并以表演教师和儿童剧导演身份参与鹰龙传媒制作的北美地区首部表演教学真人秀节目《鹰龙星计划》。2020年她策划并参演了多首居家MV,其中《等疫情过了》深受海内外观众喜爱。作为“不靠谱艺术沙龙”元老级演员的曲美霖,在2020夏天年正式加入WDTSF,专注于青年艺术家和其作品的推广与扶持,并致力于创造多维度表演艺术空间。
Lin Qu is a musical actor, choreographer, and director. She graduated from Beijing Dance Academy and continued her studies at Broadway Dance Center and Steps On Broadway in New York City. Her representative works include: "Love you, Teresa ," "Joker’s Game," "Sister Moon and Duludidu Farm," "Oliver," etc. After immigrating to Los Angeles, she assisted master tap dancer, Steve Zee, to complete the production of his curriculum, a Chinese course called“Tap Academy Online.” As the co-founder of East West Performing Arts Alliance, Lin Qu directed, planned and participated in performances including" Marriage Mediation Office" , "the Theater Madness”,“divorced”. "Mom's Wardrobe", "Idiom Cube" and “Mr. & Mrs. Single”, along with four plays and two children's plays. As a performance teacher and children's drama director, she participated in the first performance-teaching reality show, "X Stars," produced by EDI Media inc in North America. In 2020, she planned and participated in a number of homemade music videos. Among these MVs is "Waiting for the Pandemic to Pass," which was loved by audiences at home and abroad. Lin Qu, a veteran actor of the "Bukaopu Salon,” officially joined WDTSF in the summer of 2020. This allowed her to create a multi-dimensional performance art space to support the development of young artists and their work.

Lin Qu ​曲美霖


Bukaopu, a playful slang in Mandarin that translates to "Not relying on the score", implying quirky, unpredictable, and unorthodox. However, we've redefined it to celebrate the art of spontaneity and innovation. Join our merry band of artists who fearlessly explore the uncharted realms of bukaopuism, dancing to the whimsical tunes of life, and proudly declaring themselves card-carrying members of the Bukaopu movement! 🎭✨🕺 #Bukaopu

The Global Bukaopu Artists Collective

© 2022 by WDTSF.

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